Alhamdulillah until now, Yayasan Al-Mukhlisin continues to commit carrying out the vision and mission of the establishment. Yayasan Al-Mukhlisin has progressed step by step up the winding stairs and now Yayasan Al-Mukhlisin can be proud of the construction of one of the private primary schools that is fully operational.
Welcoming Remarks
Yayasan Al-Mukhlisin is grateful to Allah SWT for His abundant grace, a foundation that specializes in the development of an Islamic religious education network based on Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jamaah has been successfully incorporated under the Prime Minister's Department with registration number PPAB 23/2020.
But the Yayasan Al-Mukhlisin's journey is still long. We plan and organize as best as possible for the well-being of Muslims. As of now, the financial resources for this purpose are solely coming from donations received from generous contributors. The Committee welcomes any form of contribution towards achieving this goal.
May Allah SWT grant taufik and guidance to all contributors, accompanied by prayers that all affairs will be simplified, sustenance will be generous and good health will be given.
Tuan Hairulizam Bin Saliban
Chairman of Yayasan Al-Mukhlisin