As usual practice before, the student banquet was made by donating "port luck" food from the heavy circle, deserts and fruits. Only the drinks provided by the school on the day.

parents of students according to their respective classes. Each class is divided into types of food which are food. Therefore, various foods are abundantly provided by parents.

A feast is held in each class. However, after getting tired of eating in class, these students make a festive visit to other classes. In the village of Sijangkang where the majority are Javanese, this activity is called "baraan".

With the accompaniment of Raya songs, this visiting activity makes the festive atmosphere in the school "alive" and lively. No exception, everyone also made port luck in the canteen. Then the "baraan" activity continued for each class.

Alhamdulillah, although there was a lot of donated food, there was no waste because some was packed to be taken home by the students. Fun and cheerful faces are depicted on the faces of the children. Parents are very satisfied.

We would like to thank all the parents who cooperated so much in making the feast a success this time.